Stewardship Goals

Stewardship Goals

(goals last updated 11-05-07)

*View eating in restaurants as a special occasion, not a regular occurrence.
*Spend no more than $5 per week on activities to do with M.
*Evaluate our grocery spending and find ways to spend more efficiently.
*Pick one area of our budget and work on reducing that area by 10%.

*Spend no more than an hour per day watching TV.
*Spend at least 2 days per week, at home, as a family. That doesn’t mean we can’t invite people over to share a meal with us.

*Complete a deep clean-out of the house. (Tackle it Tuesday posts)
*Make more homemade things, starting with bread. (Recipe Thursday posts)
*Grow what we can, starting with planting a garden with spring vegetables.
*Keep the house clean and as orderly as possible on a daily basis. (Works for Me Wednesday posts)

*Turn off lights in rooms we aren’t using.
*Shut the refrigerator door when we aren’t in it.
*Adjust the thermostat one degree up from normal temperature. Turn the thermostat up when not at home.
*Turn off the faucet when not actively using the water (to brush teeth, wash dishes, etc).
*Continue composting and work to reduce trash.
*Take my own bags to the grocery store.

*Go to the gym at least three times a week. Work out at home at least once a week.
*Eat at least two fruits and/or vegetables at every meal.
*Prepare healthy, well-balanced meals at home at least four nights per week. (Menu Plan Monday posts)
*Drink at least six glasses of water per day.
*Get at least six hours of sleep four days per week.

*Invite at least two people/families we’d like to get to know better for a meal each month.
*Figure out a plan on how to get to know our neighbors better.

*Pray with my daughter daily.
*Learn one Scripture each week related to an area of teaching or discipline. Work on it with my daughter.
*Plan at least one focused, one-on-one activity with my daughter per week.

*Use my gift of writing to encourage at least one person per week, whether through a note, email, or blog posting.
*Use my gift of administration in at least one ministry opportunity.


  1. This is a GREAT list! I think I might have to borrow it!

  2. Borrow away! But I want to hear about how things go with whatever you decide to do. And by the way, love your name. . . I totally understand the sentiment!

  3. I like your list – very concrete and sensible.

  4. Z – Thanks! That’s the kind of list we were aiming for – practical!

  5. […] Stewardship Goals […]

  6. […] Stewardship Goals Posted by: spaghettipie | 5th Nov, 2007 […]

  7. Loved reading your updated list! We are likeminded on many of these goals. One area we differ is sleep–I need at least 8 hours every night, or else! =)

  8. C – Thanks! We do seem to have much in common when I read your blog. Oh, but the sleep thing is definitely not. I’m feeling pretty good if I get 5 or 6 hours. I usually get a little less.

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